VERY HAPPY Greetings from SUNNY Norway!
As we have had a few People asking about our October collections, packing of our containers and fund-raising events we thought that it would be a perfect time to update everyone...
This past year has been TREMENDOUS as our Missionaries serving in Zimbabwe have been closely involved with the distribution of clothing, food, books, blankets, reading glasses, school supplies, newborn & hygiene kits, toys, soccer balls, candy etc. to those who are in DESPERATE NEED in their areas that they are serving…They are literally lifting hearts and warming Homes with their humanitarian service, MUCH THANKS to your kindly donated items from the containers!! (Today my Mother shared how a couple of Elder’s had come to collect clothing, blankets, food etc. for some of the Orphaned & destitute Children in the area where they are serving.)
The Missionary cases/bags which your Wards so thoughtfully pre-packed for our soon-to-be-serving Missionaries have been received with ABSOLUTE JOY & EXCITEMENT, as one of the recipients shared, “Never could I imagine that People would be SO KIND to help me when they don’t even know me!!”…THANK-YOU!!
The Zimbabwean Youth Camps continue to be BLESSED by your generosity, Church books continue to be their highlight, along with some of the very basic necessities such as a blanket, underwear, clothing etc.
Just as we have in years gone past, we will DEFINITELY be packing our containers in October and would be DEEPLY GRATEFUL to you and ALL else who might be willing to assist us to help Our Zimbabwean People!!
We are forging ahead in faith with the collections of: Missionary clothing(packed in cases if possible) ESPECIALLY with the increase of Zimbabwean Missionaries soon to be serving! Items for Youth Camps, blankets, school supplies, medical supplies, food, clothing, books, toys, candy, crutches, wheelchairs and SO MUCH MORE!!
As President Brigham Young stated…
“…In 1856 the prophet Brigham Young asked the Saints to go to the aid of handcart pioneers stranded in the mountain snows. He said in that time of need to the members in general conference: “Your faith, religion, and profession of religion, will never save one soul of you in the celestial kingdom of our God, unless you carry out just such principles as I am now teaching you. Go and bring in those people now on the plains, and attend strictly to those things which we call temporal, … otherwise your faith will be in vain.”
Women in Utah responded by the hundreds. In their poverty they filled wagons with all they could spare and all they could gather from others to comfort those in distress. One of those valiant sisters recorded, “I never took more satisfaction and, I might say, pleasure in any labor I ever performed in my life, such a unanimity of feeling prevailed.”
When the rescue was complete and the snows melted, that same sister recorded the question of her faithful heart: “What comes next for willing hands to do?”
Last year it was suggested that we should host a golf fund-raising event, so we are!!!
All monies raised will assist EYES4ZIMBABWE to purchase medical supplies and equipment so that Surgeons who are kindly donating their time, are able to continue giving the ‘gift of sight’ to cataract blinded Zimbabweans of ALL ages!! (Next week at ‘Karunda Mission Hospital’ in the short space of 4 days, two Surgeons will perform 200+ free cataract surgeries…ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!)
Our golf fund-raiser is a FUN way to raise funds with those who play golf (or who would like to play better golf-we will be giving golf lessons afterwards). And our ‘E4Z fund-raising dinner’ will be a GREAT opportunity to bring together many like-minded People who want to help, we will show a DVD and share a little bit about what we have been up to in Zimbabwe and what we are hoping to further accomplish…A FUN night for all!
THANK-YOU for assisting us in making countless Miracles happen, each day in Zimbabwe we see the literal joy which comes to MANY faces as they receive your kindly donated gifts, which clothes, lifts, warms, educates, feeds and makes them SMILE!!…As one observer stated, “When you give a Child a book, toy or candy, it makes them forget that they are hungry!”
THANK-YOU SO VERY MUCH for giving the gift of JOY!!
Have a WONDERFUL week-end & THANK-YOU for YOU!!
Love, Hugs, Smiles & MUCH, MUCH GRATITUDE!
Reeve, Lolly, CC & The WHOLE of Zimbabwe